Sunday, December 26, 2004

How I came to have genealogy on the Bennett family:

William Thomas Bennett was married to my great grandmother, Louisa Lydia King, who later married my great grandfather, John Mack Hill. She might not have married my g.g. grandpa, except that William Thomas Bennett was killed during the Civil War in a battle in Atlanta (1864). Since it looks as though the same Bennett family was also connected to some of our Loftin's, I guess my Dad thought it would be wise to peruse the Bennett family lines and collect their relatives, in case there were more intersections. Or, more likely, he just wanted to acknowledge that his good fortune (being born) was due to Wm. Thomas Bennett's bad fortune (being killed in battle).

The fact remains that I have an accumulation of Dad's data on this family. I will try to get this entered on the computer and posted on the internet in some fashion, so that others, who are more closely allied to the Bennett Family, may also have access to it.

Research Diary Note for today: Looked on for Sarah Ballenger; found some stuff in Ancestral File, IGI, and the PRF. Also found much on The Ballenger/Bishop connection is, by the way, in my dad's direct line of ancestors, as she is his 4th great grandmother.

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